Battery Reconditioning Course


Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Electrostatic Precipitation - The Finest Air Filtration By Kristy Snow

Electrostatic precipitation has been around since the early 1900s. It was first commercialized in 1907 by Dr. Frederick G. Cottrell. Since then, it has become a major player in the purification industry.
Why Is Electrostatic Precipitation The Best?
Escaping Particulates
With electrostatic precipitation, extremely small particulates (.01 - 1 micron) can be filtered out. The smallest particulates a Hepa filter can filter out is .3 microns. This means that for every 10,000 particles which pass through a filter, the electrostatic filter lets 1 (or less) escape and the Hepa filter may let 3 escape. We compare electrostatic filtration with Hepa filtration because Hepa filters are considered to be the second best form of filtration. Hepa filtration is used primarily to remove dust, pollen, mold spores. In addition, electrostatic filtration goes a step further by removing bacteria, viruses, cigarette smoke, and chemical fumes.
Electrostatic precipitation is less expensive, in the long run. It is more expensive in the original purchase. However, you will save, in the long run, because you don't have to buy replacement filters. Replacement filters can be quite expensive and inconvenient to replace. Keep in mind, that the ion charged plates need to be cleaned regularly for maximum performance.
The fan does not need to be as powerful. Hepa filters push air through a fine filter. The design requires a heavy duty fan to push the air. Electrostatic models have virtually no wind resistance and don't require the pushing power of other models.
Hepa and electrostatic filtration are both effective. Hepa has one distinct advantage in that it doesn't produce ozone. Too much ozone is not good to breath and some electrostatic models have been know to produce excess ozone. All things considered, a hybrid electrostatic (Hepa and electrostatic combined) is our preferred filtration method.
Finally, any form of air filtration should have a good fan. Air must be circulated throughout the entire home. Don't consider an electrostatic purifier that is silent (no fan). In addition, if you purchase a purifier with Hepa filtration make sure there is a pre filter. Pre filters are much less costly to replace.
For further information, please visit Air Purifiers []

Commercial Air Purifiers Are Electrostatic Precipitator Air Cleaners, Not Ozone Generators By Chuck Jaymes

A great deal has been written and said in the media recently about electrostatic precipitator (ESP) commercial air purifiers and ozone generators. Unfortunately, as often happens during media frenzies, the truth gets lost amid generalizations, assumptions and poor reporting.
First, what is ozone? Ozone (O3) is composed of 3 oxygen atoms and is considered a very reactive gas. When a chemical reaction between the diatomic oxygen molecule (O2) and an oxygen atom (O) takes place, ozone is formed. There is some confusion about "good" ozone and "bad" ozone. Ozone in the upper atmosphere is very beneficial in that it protects us from the sun's harmful UV rays. However, breathing in heavy concentrations of ozone is potentially dangerous to the lungs.
The primary difference between ESP air cleaners and ozone generators is this: ESP air purifiers produce tiny amounts of ozone as a by-product of the air purification process; ozone generators are built specifically to "intentionally" produce ozone.
With electrostatic precipitator technology, minute amounts of ozone are produced during the ionization process. This is drastically different from ozone generators sold as air purifiers that do not improve indoor air quality, but produce heavy concentrations of potentially harmful ozone. To further confuse the issue, some ozone generator manufacturers use cute names to disguise the ozone such as "saturated oxygen", "activated oxygen" and "pure air". What they are actually producing is ozone, not pure air.
Many ozone generators boast of ozone being an effective germicide. An Environmental Protection Agency study concluded that ozone, even at concentrations almost 100 times the recommended limit for human exposure, was ineffective in killing airborne molds and fungi. The California Environmental Protection Agency's Air Resources Board recommends against the use of ozone generators.
Ozone generators are often touted as being effective in removing tobacco smoke odor. A test conducted by Consumer Reports magazine found this to be untrue. A far more effective and safer approach to removing smoke odors is with an odor neutralizing cartridge.
- Chuck Jaymes is an indoor air quality professional and offers reviews and comparisons about Commercial Air Purifiers for OscarAir, Inc.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Introduction and Facts about Large Thermal Power Station and dealing emergencies

Introduction and Facts about Large Thermal Power Station

Boiler is used for steam generation.

Ball Mill or Bowl mills are used for pulverisation of coal in powder form for efficient firing in boiler.

Raw Coal Feeders are used to supply coal to ball mills in controlled quantity.

Primary Air Fan are used to transport and preheat pulverised coal to burners.

Induced Draught Fan are used to exhaust flue gases to Chimeny and create vaccum in Furnace.

Electrostatic Precipitators are used to separate ash particles from flue gases to control pollution. Here collecting electrode, emmiting electrode and rapping mechanism used to dislodge fly ash particle.

FD Fan used to provide air to boiler for help in firing which is called secondary air.

Steam produced in boiler is further superheated in Superheaters. There are lot superheaters such as platen, pendent, convection and final superheaters.

Boiler drum used for separation of staem from water and storage. Nowadays Drum less once through boiler also used which operates at super critical temerature and Pressure.

Boiler circulation pump used for forced circulation of water in water wall because at high pressure natural circulation is not possible.

Soot Blowers used to remove soot from water wall, Superheater, Reheaters and Air Heaters by injecting steam into heating surfaces.

Ash slurry pumps are used to flush ash with water.

Boiler Feed Pump used to provide water to boiler Drum.

Deaerator used to separate dissolved air from Feed water.

In Turbine heat energy of steam is converted into mechanical energy.

ESV which is called emergency stop valve used to stop supply of steam to turbine when unit trips.

Reheaters used to reheat steam exhausted from HP turbine.After reheating upto 535 degree centrigade same steam is utilised in Intermediate Pressure Turbine.

Barring gear or shaft turning gear is used to ratate turbinr rotor at 3.15 rpm when turbine is not running to check bending of rotor due to its own weight.

LP Heaters and HP Heaters are used to heat condensate and feed water supplied to boiler to increase efficiency by steam bled from turbine extraction.

Economiser are used to heat feed water by flue gages to increase efficiency. Heat of waste flue gas is utilised here.

Air Heaters uses heat of waste flue gases to preheat primary and secondary air.There are two types of air heaters tubular and rotary.

Condenser used to condence steam exhausted from turbine.

Condensate Pump are used to supply water to Deaerator from condenser Hot well.

CW Pump used to cool steam exhausted from turbine into condensers.

Raw Water is Circulated by cw pump into condenser tube hence leakage from condenser tubes must be checked to avoid mixing of raw water into Hot well.

Turbogenerator converts mechanical energy into electrical energy.

H2 Gas used in generators used for cooling of generators.

Seal Oil system used to seal hydrogen gas from escape from generator.

Stator Water Cooling system provides demineralised water into hollow stator conductor of generator for its cooling.

Generating Tansformer steps up volatage for transmission.

Water Treatment Plant is used to produce demineralised water for steam generation. Cation anion and degassifier tower used to separate mineral and gases from water.PAC or alum used to separate mud and silica from water.Here minerals removed from water and ph value is maintained near 7 and silica value must less tham 0.02 ppm

Coal Handling Plant supplies Coal to Boiler.Merry go round system or wagon trippler used to unload coal into hoppers. Coal is crused in crusher to crush it in 25mm size.Magnetic separators used to separate metalic particles from coal.

ABCB,SF6,OCB,MOCB and VCB are circuit breakers used to make or break electricity contact at load.

Isolators are used to make or break contact at no loads.


ABT is availability based tarrif and frequency based pricing system to maintain Grid discipline.

Purging is done to clean furnace from combustible gases by running ID Fan and FD Fan at atleast 30% load for 5 minutes to avoid furnace explosion.

Furnace explosion may be checked by timely purging and adjusting firing properly using right quantity of primary and secondary air and timely oil support and avoiding leakage of fuel oil in boiler. Furnace must be purged properly again if flame is not established during lightup of boiler.

Flame scanners used to sense flame in boiler to detect flame failure to avoid boiler furnace explosion.

FSSS is furnace safeguards supervisory system to safeguard boiler.

How To avoid Clinker Formation in Boiler?

Clinker Formation in Boiler of Thermal Power Station is due to high Ash Content which have low fusion temperature below 1470 degree centrigrade and Minerals present in it. Due to poor Quality of Coal ash got fused and mineral content stick into Water Wall which is very difficult to remove often requires removal by pneumatic machines. This Clinker deposition may be stopped to some extent if sufficient water is sprayed into hopper and regular poking and using good quality of coal. Ash fusion temperature must be above 1470 degree centrigrade and soot blowing regularly at load by enjecting steam by wall blowers. Overfiring is also responsible hence firing must be properly adjusted by proper balance of primary and secondary air in boiler.

Accumulation of clinker may be checked if poking of hoppers done regularly and any negligence may start process of clinker deposition. If clinker is not removed immediately then same may choke hopper and often workers got burnt due to sudden fall of hot water which accumulated in hopper.

Once clinker formed into hopper than outage of unit is evident otherwise clinker may deposit in huge quantity which will be very difficult to remove because minerals content present in coal fused with ash deposit into water wall. Such hard Lumps of Clinkers requires pneumatic hammering which takes very much time resulting in forced closure of unit for weeks.

Although cause of clinker formation is poor coal quality and high mineral content in coal but accumulation in Water Wall is result of negligence by Workers and Engineers who do not poke hopper regularly and spray insufficient amount of water into hopper which may not flush fused slag to channels. Outage of clinker grinder and soot blower is also matter of concern may be termed as negligence.

Hence it is advised never blame to low coal quality,low GCV,low ash fusion temperature and high mineral content in coal.Instead of blaming to above factors try regular poking and provide sufficient water in hopper.Clinker Grinders must be made operational. Soot blowing must be done regulaly by injecting steam. In India coal supplied to power plants is mostly of low quality which has high ash content so precaution is best solution here to avoid deposition and formation of clinkers in Boiler.

Precaution may stop clinker deposition and formation so remain vigilant.

Boiler Tube Leak Detection by Acoustic Monitoring Instruments

Acoustic Instruments may be used to detect early boiler tube leak to avoid secondary damage to pressure parts.Boiler acoustic tube leak detection system must be used as it prevent damage to costly boiler parts and it is very much cost effective.An increase in boiler availability of just one day will more than cover the cost of a leak detection system.

Traditional leak detection system such hearing hissing sound by ear or monitoring feed water flow or furnace vaccum is not much reliable because it can not detect small leak so damage to vital costly equipment of boiler may not be avoided.Writer noticed many instances where thermal power plants boiler allowed to run for long time due to confusion which caused permanent damage to many boiler tubes,refractory and boiler structures.Hence importance of acoustic monitoring leak detection systems sincerely felt .

Acoustic leak detection sensors detect high frequency emmissions from site of leak and Sensitive piezoelectric sensors mounted to the structure transform these acoustic waves to electronic voltage signals, which are amplified, filtered, and processed to determine energy content.

Early detection by acoustic monitoring instruments results in substantial reduction of repair times and costs with a consequent increase in plant availability and profits. The early detection of a bolier tube leak will give financial savings which will easily exceed the initial capital cost of the detection system even at the very first event.

Acousti monitoring international

p(330)305-1422f(330)494-9822-16707 harbour drive n.w cantou ohio 447

procon engineering

How To Run Thermal Power Plant Units Efficiently?

How to run units efficiently and saftly is big question today? Thermal Power Plant Units require great care during operation. Only highly trained Employees and Engineers may handle effectively. Only Quality Training Programmes for Engineers and Operators may ensure efficient Running. Greatest Importance must be given to such Training Programmes. Frequent trippings, damage of auxiliaries and Accidents are seen if Engineers and Employees are not properly Trained. Engineers must know Important facts and Operational Precaution for efficient operation of Units which are descibed below.

Coal is received from mines by Merry Go Round System. Old Power Houses uses the Wagon Tripler which turn Wagon to unload it. Coal is Crushed upto size of 25 mm and Magnetic particles are separated. If Coal is not properly crushed and Iron pieces not seperated then Pulverisers and Raw Coal Feeders will face severe problems. Chain of Raw Coal Feeder may damage due to metallic parts present in Coal. Big Size Coal may affect grinding capacity of our Pulverisers.

Raw Coal Feeders are used to provide controlled quantity of Coal to Pulverisers. Ball Mill or Bowl Mill are being used to grind coal in powder form for efficiently burning Coal.

Primary Air Fan provides air for tranportation of Coal and its drying. Forced Draught Fan provide Secondary Air help burning coal. Important point which must be remember that Ratio of Primary and Secondary must be proper. Quantity of Primary Air, Secondary Air and Pulverised Coal must be properly adjusted and firing must be checked properly by flame scanners so that they may not be unburnt coal.

Air from Feed Water is seperated by Deaerator. Hydrazine is dosed here so that oxygen is removed from feed water. Phosphate dosing is done in Boiler Drum to seperate Silica particles from feed water. Dosing of Phosphate and Hydrazine must be properly monitored. Sample of water must be timely get checked from Lab so that deposition of silica in Boiler Tubes and Turbine Blades may be avoided. Continous Blow Down valve is generally opened upto 10% to 30% as per sample reports from water chemistry lab.

At the start of boiler ignitors or oil rows if the flame is not established then we must relight boiler after purging. Boiler Furnace explosion may be avoided by timely purging and stoppage of leakage of fuel oil in
furnace. Purging is done before every light up of boiler by starting Induced Draft Fan and Forced Draft Fan for five minute and maintain 30% air flow for five minutes so that unburnt fuel and gases present in boiler furnace may escape.

At low load always take fuel oil support to avoid flame failure.

Soot blowing which done to dislodge soot from boiler tubes must be regularly done by injecting steam at sufficient pressure and temperature as per manufacturer's guidlines and intructions.

Poking of ash hoppers must be continiously monitored so that hoppers may not choked and further deposition of clinkers takes place. Clinker grinders must be made operational.

L P Drain which are provided at boiler zero meter for draining water if salt concentration and silica value increases must be operated under strict guidance and monitoring. L P Drain valve must be opened partially, one by one for less than one minutes otherwise water wall may damage due to stoppage of natural cirulation. It is best practice to operate L P Drain at the time of light up of boiler when pressure and temperarure is relatively low.

Isolators must be opened or closed at no Loads and Circuit Breakers may be opened or closed at Load.

Stator water cooling system is provided for cooling of Generator Stator Conductors where Demineralised water is circulated in hollow conductors. Quality of Demineralised water must be monitored.

Power Plant Auxiliaries such as I D Fan, F D Fan, PA Fan must be started at no load because at the time of start of motor it takes nearly 14 times more current. Position of Discharge and Suction Dampers must be properly checked.

For starting Boiler Feed Pump we must ensure that suction valve is opened and discharge valve is closed and recirculation valve must be opened.

Interlock and Protection must be timely checked to know its fuctioning.

At the instant of tripping of unit we must open Main breaker first and after Main breaker is tripped and current in all three phases shows zero then we must open field breaker of generator for its safety. D C Seal oil Pump, D C Lub oil Pump, D C Fire Pump must be started daily to check its functioning.

Barring Gear or Shaft Turning Gear must be immediately engaged when turbine rotor speed reaches to zero to avoid its bending.

At the time of Boiler Tube Leakage we must immediately trip the unit to avoid secondary damage. Feed flow quantity, Deaerator level, Furnace Vaccum must be monitored regularly. Hissing sound may be observed from site in case of tube leakage. Acoustic Monitoring Instruments may also be used to detect small Boiler Tube Leakage upto size of 2.5 mm with its correct location. This system may detect leakage at the moment it starts.

Operation of Modern Thermal Power Plant requires great attention and Precaution for its safe and efficient running although many advanced protection, auto and burner management system which are controlled by latest softawre and computer are provided. Engineers engaged in operation should remain vigilant, understand the procedures to control emergencies and prepare for many more unexpected circustances.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Acoustic monitoring Instruments for Boiler tube leakage detection in Thermal Power Plants are cost effective hence must be installed immediately.

Acoustic Instruments may be used to detect early boiler tube leak to avoid secondary damage to pressure parts.Boiler acoustic tube leak detection system must be used as it prevent damage to costly boiler parts and it is very much cost effective.An increase in boiler availability of just one day will more than cover the cost of a leak detection system.

Traditional leak detection system such hearing hissing sound by ear or monitoring feed water flow or furnace vaccum is not much reliable because it can not detect small leak so damage to vital costly equipment of boiler may not be avoided.Writer noticed many instances where thermal power plants boiler allowed to run for long time due to confusion which caused permanent damage to many boiler tubes,refractory and boiler structures.Hence importance of acoustic monitoring leak detection systems sincerely felt .

Acoustic leak detection sensors detect high frequency emmissions from site of leak and Sensitive piezoelectric sensors mounted to the structure transform these acoustic waves to electronic voltage signals, which are amplified, filtered, and processed to determine energy content.

Early detection by acoustic monitoring instruments results in substantial reduction of repair times and costs with a consequent increase in plant availability and profits. The early detection of a bolier tube leak will give financial savings which will easily exceed the initial capital cost of the detection system even at the very first event.

Finally,Acoustic monitoring instruments must be intalled in boilers of thermal power plants.for more details go to

Acousti monitoring international

p(330)305-1422f(330)494-9822-16707 harbour drive n.w cantou ohio 447

procon engineering

know more about boiler tube leakage,avoid clinker formation and furnace explosion

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Carbon Reduction Awareness Gadget The Carbon Reduction Awareness Gadget lets you help increase the awareness to alternative energies, as a source to

Carbon Reduction Awareness Gadget The Carbon Reduction Awareness Gadget lets you help increase the awareness to alternative energies, as a source to reduction of carbon emission. The gadget is connected to ThetaNoon, a solar energy systems tracker. ThetaNoon calculates, in real time, the energy output of real world solar energy syst...
By Yossi Ben Haroosh

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Electrostatic Precipitators for Air Cleaning

Title: Electrostatic Precipitators for Air Cleaning

Author: Oleg Tchetchel

Canadian Air Systems Co. is a designer and manufacturer of
industrial dust collection systems. Dust collecting equipment is
available in numerous designs utilizing a number of principles
and featuring wide variation in effectiveness, initial cost,
operating and maintenance expense, space, arrangements and
material of construction.

Factors influencing dust collection equipment selection include:

* Concentration and particle size of contaminant.

In most dust conveying systems, usual dust range from 0.1 to
100 micron - a rather wide range of particle sizes.

* Degree of collection required.

Evaluation will consider the need for high efficiency high cost
equipment such as electrostatic precipirators; high efficiency
moderate cost equipment such as fabric or wet collector units;
and the lower cost primary units such as the dry centrifugal
group. Degree of dust collection required can depend on plant
location; compariosn of quantities of material released to
atmoshere with different type of dust collectors; nature of
contaminant - its salvage value or its potential as a health
hazard, public nuissance or ability to damage property - and the
requirements of the local or state air pollution regulations.

* Characteristics of air or gas stream.

High temperature gas streams exceeding 180 F will prevent the
use of standard cotton media in fabric collectors; presence of
steam or condensation of water vapor will cause packling and
plugging of air or dust packages in fabric and dry centrifugal
collectors. Chemical composition can attack fabric or metal in
dry collectors and cause extremely corrosive conditions when
mixed with water in wet type collectors.

* Characteristics of contaminant.

Chemical composition can cause attack on dust collector
elements or corrosion in wet type dust collectors. Sticky
materials like metallic buffing dust impregnated with buffing
compounds can adhere to collector elements plugging dust
collector passages. Linty materials such as dust from textile
opener, picker and napper will adhere to certain types of
collector surfaces or elements. Abrasiveness of many materials
in moderate to heavy concentrations such as dust from sand
blasting will cause rapid wear particularly on dry type
centrifugal collectors. Particles size and shape will rule out
certain collector designs. The parashute shape of particles such
as "bees wings" from grain will "float" through centrifugal
collectors due to their velocity of fall being slower than much
smaller spherical particles of the same specific gravity.
Combustible nature of many finely divided materials will
influence selection of explosion proof dust collectors for such

* Methods of disposal.

Methods of removal and disposal of collected materials will
vary with the material, plant process, quantity involved and the
collector design. Dry collectors can be unloaded continuously or
in batches through dump gates, trickle valves and rotary locks
to conveyors or containers. Wet collectors can be arranged for
batch removal or continual ejection of dewatered material by
flight conveyors or draining as a slurry. Material
characteristics can influence other problems, such as packing
and bridging of dry materials in dust hoppers, floating of
slurry forming characteristics in wet collectors, etc.

One of the most efficient type of dust collectors is
Electrostatic Precipitator.

The principle of dust collection relies on the ability to impart
a negative charge to particles in the gas stream causing them to
move and adhere to the grounded or positively charged collector
plates. Most precipitators are made for horizontal air flow with
velocities 100 to 600 fpm. The collecting plates or electrodes
are parallel elements, usually on 9-inch centers, and
constructed in various ways including corrugated or perforated
plates for rod curtains. The electrode rods are centered between
the collector plates. Volatge difference between electrode and
plate is 60,000 to 75,000 volts in most designs. Collector
plates of cylindrical shapes surrounding the electrode tod are
provided where water is used to wash off collected material and
where the gas stream is under high pressure or vacuum.

Removal of the collected material is obtained by rapping or
vibrating the elements either continuously or at predetermined
intervals. Vibration or unloading usually takes place without
stopping air flow through the cleaning cycle.

Pressure drop is low. Collection efficiency is high and nearly
uniform regardless of particle size including sub-micron
particles. Space is relatively large and cost is high where
small gas volumed (below 50,000 CFM) are involved due to the
cost of high voltage electrical equipment. Efficiency is
improved with increased humidity of the air stream as a change
takes palce in the dielectric properties of the dust. Heavy
concentrations, on the other hand, cause a reduction in
collection as the space chatge on numerous particles blankets
the corona effect from the electrode.

Electrostatic precipitators have been extensively used in high
temperature gas cleaning from equipment such as blast furnaces,
open heart furnaces and central station pulverized fuel boilers.
The chemical industry has many applications including sulfuric
acids plants, carbon black, cement kilns and soda sh from paper
mill black liquor furnaces. As voltage setting is close to the
spark-over potential, application is limited to materials that
are not explosive or combustible in nature unless the carrier
gas stream is an inert gas.
For additional information please refer to

Oleg Tchetchel, Ph.D Process Engineer Canadian Air Systems

About the author:
Oleg Tchetchel, Ph.D Process Engineer Canadian Air Systems